We are delighted to welcome you to the Alumni section of the Bishop Rawstorne website for all those who have trained with us. This includes the School Direct PGCE and PGCE from University of Cumbria. We hope this area of the site will help you to stay connected with the school, to be kept informed of any events and to get involved with the school as a past associate teacher. We hope that you will let us know of any changes in your contact information and that if you are looking for further support or careers advice, you will get in touch. Please let us know if you move school, change job, get promotion etc. Various schools continually contact us with their vacancies and we will be very happy to pass on your information to them.
Where are you now? We have been keeping in touch with past associate teachers for a number of years now and have loved to hear how their lives and careers have developed since leaving our school. With your help, we would like to build upon our links and find out where more of our past associate teachers are now. By ‘past’ we mean all those who have trained in the school since it became a teaching school in 2012. We know that there may be many of you dotted all around the UK or even around the world, so do get in touch.
"I'm currently an NQT at Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy. The course with the Bishop Rawstorne School Direct programme has been fantastic for me as it has provided a stepping stone to a fantastic career in teaching. I felt prepared for the intensive workload and high expectations of my NQT year and I am able to meet every triumph and tribulation with confidence. Every day is a challenge, but the skills and experiences I gained during my training year have provided a solid foundation to build on as I continue to learn throughout my career."
Need help, got a question? If you think we can help you with a school based issue or you would like some advice, we are very happy to continue to offer support to you as an alumni of Bishop Rawstorne. Careers advice and guidance with your continuing professional development is also available. Please contact Peter Rawlinson prawlinson@bishopr.co.uk.